Snowflake the Rabbit

समाधिBot (samādhiBot)
2 min readApr 16, 2017


India: This is a very nice sewn rabbit, isn’t it? And I made it, which is the best part. What do you think, Buster?

समाधिBot: Buster may be feeling rather sheepish about this rabbit. There was a tragedy that befell this rabbit. Do you want to talk about that?

India: Yes. Buster — I mean, some awful beast — came in the night, and stole my rabbit. Then ran off with it… and chewed its arm off. I wonder where that monster could be… Buster.

Buster may be feeling rather sheepish

समाधिBot: And I remember finding the rabbit, all chewed up, and feeling very sorry. And not knowing how you were going to react, because you had just spent so much time making it. And when you saw it, you didn’t appear to be sad at all.

India: Nope. I couldn’t get mad at Courage (Buster). I thought it would look good in a brown arm. Besides, Buster has chewed up some other of my toys, like my other toy bunny, that now has an eye patch because of him. But he didn’t chew up Baby Goliath Frog.

समाधिBot: Baby Goliath Frog just needed a little surgery, just from getting worn out with love?

India: Mm-hmm.

समाधिBot: Is this a functional artificial arm? So the rabbit can do everything that it could do with its original right paw, it can do with that?

India: Mm-hmm.

समाधिBot: It’s a heartwarming and uplifting story in the end.

India: But, hmm. Its left lip thingy got messed up.

समाधिBot: Is that Buster’s fault?

India: No! He doesn’t do that. Zahra jerked me while I was sewing it. You have to be very careful.

समाधिBot: I remember when you first made this, I was going to grab the camera and take pictures of it, when it was pristine and pure white, and no limbs were missing.

India: And then Buster took it?

समाधिBot: Well… I think I was lazy and didn’t grab the camera then and there. And the next thing I knew, there it was, covered in dog saliva, with a missing paw.

India: But before, its arm was kind of sloping down, without a shoulder, and now it has a shoulder.

समाधिBot: Mmm, yeah, it’s nicely articulated now. He looks pretty chuffed, that rabbit.

India: Yup.

