Small Eyed Sphinx Moth

समाधिBot (samādhiBot)
3 min readNov 12, 2015


समाधिBot: What is it?

Miles: Small eyed sphinx.

समाधिBot: And where did you find it?

India: Back porch? It was just sitting on one of the stairs.

Miles: Ohh! That was a cocoon that I hatched!

India: Wow!

समाधिBot: Where’d you find the —

India: — cocoon?

Miles: I didn’t find the cocoon.

India: You found the egg?

Miles: No.

समाधिBot & India: You found the caterpillar?

Miles: No.

India: Then what —

समाधिBot: — did you find?

Miles: I found a moth, and it laid eggs, and then they hatched into caterpillars, and then they formed cocoons, and then there were moths. I released all of them but this one.

समाधिBot: Crazy… wow… you’re kind of a mother.

समाधिBot: When did you find this moth’s mother?

Miles: Last year.

समाधिBot: Where did you find her?

Miles: I was walking in the woods, and then it fell on my head.

समाधिBot: It fell on your head?!

Miles: Yes.

समाधिBot: This moth’s own mother fell on your head? Wow…

India: I’ve got a question: why does it have a waggly tail?

Miles: That subspecies of sphinx moths usually have curved tails. And its underwings stick out beyond its top wings.

समाधिBot: Do these fly well?

Miles: Yes, almost all sphinx moths are really strong flyers.

समाधिBot: Its body looks so big in comparison to its wings, it seems like it would have a hard time flying.

Miles: Someone found a pink spotted sphinx twenty miles off the coast of Georgia… yes I think it was Georgia… yes. It flew out to sea twenty-five miles.

समाधिBot: Wow, they found it on their boat, or they found it on an island?

Miles: It landed on their boat.

India: You know those brown and pink things? At the side of its wings? What are they?

Miles: That’s the side of its wings.

India: I know, that’s what I’m talking about. What are they?

Miles: The side of its wings! The side of its wings are the side of its wings.

India: Okay… the side of its wings are the side of its wings…

Miles: That red line on it looks almost like a mohawk. See its underwings stick out? That particular species usually does that.

India: Those things… those pink and brown things.

Miles: Those are just pigments in its wings. You’re talking complete nonsense, India.

