Russian Blue

समाधिBot (samādhiBot)
3 min readJan 29, 2016


India: This is a drawing of a Russian Blue.

समाधिBot: What’s a Russian Blue?

India: It’s a kind of cat. Everybody knows you’re allergic to them, but good thing it’s not a real cat, right?

समाधिBot: So far so good.

India: Russian Blues have that beautiful bluish-green eye color. And they have that weird pink color in their ear. Some do.

समाधिBot: Is it smiling, or is that a whisker?

India: That’s when they do this. [Makes a peculiar gesture] It’s really hard to do. Russian Blues are very friendly cats. They’re smart. They can get lost sometimes.

Taj: And they can play with bears?

India: I don’t know. That was probably a rhetorical question…

Taj: It’s nine o’clock.

समाधिBot: Taj, do you have anything to say about Russian Blues?

Taj: Russian Blues… I don’t know what they do.

India: Russian Blues are smart little gray cats with blue eyes. They’re very clever cats —

Taj: And they can run fast —

India: And they like to climb —

Taj: And they like to swim.

India: Cat’s don’t like water that much.

समाधिBot: So they’re a typical cat.

India: They a little bit like water, just the teensiest bit. If it has a rubber mouse.

Taj: At the park I saw some boys poking rabbits.

समाधिBot: Poking rabbits?

Taj: Mmm-hmm. And they were in a cage.

India: No they weren’t poking it, they were feeding it.

Taj: Mm-mmm, I really seen a one.

India: Well those were just little six year olds.

Taj: That was when I was five.

India: Okay, little five year olds.

समाधिBot: Would you poke a rabbit?

Taj: Mmm… no. And this boy feeded this rabbit too much.

India: No he didn’t.

Taj: This is really true.

India: That was chickweed.

Taj: Chickweed, yeah.

India: Yeah, rabbits really love chickweed. It’s one of their favorite foods.

Taj: I know how to feed rabbits.

समाधिBot: How do you feed a rabbit?

Taj: Oh… you just push it… then it just… go like this…

India: But what if it’s not in the mood for eating?

Taj: Mmm, this rabbit was in the mood.

India: That’s because it was a giant angora rabbit. They’re always in the mood for eating.

Taj: Is the interview still playing?

India: Yes. This is about Russian Blues, Taji. Now it’s half made of rabbits. Miles, do you know anything about Russian Blues?

Miles: I know that they’re one of the cats that don’t give people an allergic reaction.

India: Gasp! That’s what I meant to say! Daddy, do you know anything about Russian Blues?

समाधिBot: That they’re not really blue.

India: I guess that’s because they were… created in Russia.

Taj: Russia? What’s Russia?

Miles: What do you mean by “created?”

India: I mean, like, breeded, from two different things of cats?

Taj: How did people make cats?

Miles: They don’t, they breed them.

Taj: How did they get alive?

India: Because they’re cats!

Miles: It’s like, say, this cat is one species, and this other cat is another species. They breed them together so there’s a cross-bred species of cat.

India: You mean they mate. You can say “mate.”

Taj: What does “mate” doing?

India: Ugh…

Taj: This interview I think is bad.

India: Daddy do you know anything… besides that you’re allergic to cats?

समाधिBot: I think that’s all I need to know.

