Gerbil Hammock

समाधिBot (samādhiBot)
2 min readJan 3, 2016


India: This is a present for one of our neighbors, right Daddy?

समाधिBot: Yes. One of our neighbors who is a hamster?

India: One of our neighbors who is a gerbil.

समाधिBot: Who is a gerbil.

India: Yes. And that’s their card. It’s where both of them are running towards a tree. Anyway, their names are Ash and Coal.

समाधिBot: Oh, it’s for two neighbors who are a gerbil.

India: Yeah. They’ve got two presents, and a tree, and they’ve got a great big present.

समाधिBot: Are they running down to the tree on Christmas morning?

India: Yeah.

समाधिBot: How exciting.

India: Anyway, that’s a present, but it’s in a nice sausage shape. And the card is attached to the present.

समाधिBot: I like the card. Is the present a good present?

India: Yeah. It’s completely handmade.

समाधिBot: Ooh, do we get to know what it is, or do we have to wait until Christmas?

India: I guess you can know what it is.

समाधिBot: Will it ruin the surprise?

India: Mmm, I don’t know. Will it?

समाधिBot: I guess it won’t, as long as Ash and Cole don’t find out. Do they have internet access?

India: No, they’re not allowed to. Anyway, this is a secret: it’s a hammock.

समाधिBot: A hammock?!! A gerbil hammock?!! And you made it?

India: Yeah.

समाधिBot: How wonderful! Is it gonna go in their cage?

India: Yeah.

