
समाधिBot (samādhiBot)
2 min readDec 4, 2015


India: This is a bluebird standing on a rock, and the rock is on the ground, and the worm is under the ground.

समाधिBot: Is it an eastern bluebird?

India: Yes.

समाधिBot: I don’t think I had seen those before we moved here.

India: Actually, no, that’s not. It’s just a normal bluebird. Kind of like a blue bunting. Yeah only it’s a different kind of blue… bird.

समाधिBot: Is that bluebird standing guard over that worm so nobody gets it?

India: No, it’s about to peck the worm. But it can’t see the worm.

समाधिBot: How does it know the worm is there?

India: Because it can feel the worm squiggling around under the ground.

समाधिBot: Can you feel worms squiggling around under the ground?

India: If it’s a monster worm, like an earthworm…


India: … It has a black beak, with a purple nostril, a nice looking wing, and a long tail.

समाधिBot: It has that little curly doodle that I’ve seen in some recent drawings.

India: Yeah. There’s it’s lovely head.

समाधिBot: How did you draw this one so nicely?

India: Well I saw it in a book, and I thought, “Wow, that one looks good,” so I decided to draw it.

समाधिBot: Did you use the one in the book as a reference?

India: Yeah.

समाधिBot: I do that too sometimes.

India: Only I did a few adjustments: I put grass, and rock, and more rock, and a little worm.

समाधिBot: What’s the worm’s story? The worm’s just squiggling around, unaware that a bird’s about to peck it?

India: No, the worm’s running away, to get to the compost to hide. This worm is a very special little worm. This little worm is not going to get pecked in this story.

समाधिBot: I thought that’s what was about to happen.

India: No, the worm’s gonna run away too soon.

समाधिBot: But then the bluebird can’t feed her chicks.

India: Well she feeds her chicks caterpillars, doesn’t she?

समाधिBot: Is that a male or a female bluebird?

India: Well, to be exact, it looks kind of like a male. But it also kind of looks like a female.

समाधिBot: Are male and female bluebirds both that beautiful blue?

India: Some are. The females usually have a short and stubby head. Well not… not that stubby.

समाधिBot: Have you ever told a female that she has a short and stubby head?

India: No.

समाधिBot: Neither have I.

India: As you can see, it’s a bit of a cloudy day for the bluebird.

समाधिBot: I can’t see that, is it?

India: Yeah, look, see? See all that gray up above it?

समाधिBot: Ah… that’s… yeah, mm-hmm…

