A Nightsphere

समाधिBot (samādhiBot)
2 min readNov 12, 2015


समाधिBot: Dígame.

India: Okay. This is a picture of a lion — I mean not a lion — and it’s not really a picture either, it’s a drawing of a tiger chasing a kind of cat that I made up called a nightsphere.

समाधिBot: A nightsphere?

India: Yes.

समाधिBot: That sounds like a dragon name.

India: Well it isn’t. Okay this is a tiger chasing it away.

समाधिBot: It’s chasing it away, or it wants to chase it and gobble it up?

India: It wants to chase it and gobble it up. And right now it’s just getting ready to leap away.

समाधिBot: Yeah? This for some reason reminded me of the beautiful, old, old cave drawings. Have you ever seen them? The ones in France?

India: No.

समाधिBot: I’ll show them to you. At Lascaux. They were better at drawing animals than we are, and I think that you would have fit in very well with them, because they did such beautiful artwork. Okay so that’s the tiger…

India: Yes. Nightspheres, they’re usually nocturnal, but now that it was winter it was forced to go out in day.

समाधिBot: Are they in the snow?

India: Yyyeah that’s why I did a white background.

समाधिBot: I like the pattern here, and I like his curly doodle.

India: This kind of leg is a new style. I call it the evaporating style.

समाधिBot: It makes it look fast, somehow.

India: Mmm-hmm. Nightspheres usually… well they usually feed on garbage, because they’re mostly found in the city. That’s why they’re nocturnal, because there’s plenty of lights. And in the day there’s too many lights.

समाधिBot: What do they do during the day? Or where do they go?

India: Well, they usually have burrows, or hang around in trees.

समाधिBot: Do they find enough trees and burrows in the city?

India: Yeah kind of. Or they just hang around near dumps… hide under the garbage.

समाधिBot: Are they dangerous if you accidentally ran into one?

India: If it was real, yes? Otherwise… no. I would have drawn a bobcat, but, well, bobcats don’t really live with tigers.

India: I really like how the tiger has a nice… well how the eye is just completely focused on the…

समाधिBot: Yes this one really struck me. It’s really beautifully drawn.

